The HYDROCOIL [tm] TURBINE--with Ribbon Drive technology provides: |
LOW HEAD HYDRO-ELECTRICITY from RENEWABLE energy--clean, eco-friendly, non-polluting water. |
Adapting EXISTING ASSETS--non-electrified dams--for our HydroCoil Turbine. |
CURRENT PROBLEMS: --most electricity now generated using fossil fuels --over 70% of industrial CO2 pollution comes from generating electricity with fossil fuels --CO2 is a major contributor to global warming --hydro is less than 10% of nation's power now --deep dependency on foreign oil & gas --until now, generating low head hydro has been impractical--due to cost, complexity, and often deep draft water needed
HYDROELECTRICITY can HELP: --provide up to 10,000 megawatts in northeast region alone --improve air quality --decrease foreign fuel dependency --decrease global warming --by tapping unused assets [existing dams not electrified] --by being carbon-neutral, non-polluting, clean --by being quiet --by not spoiling your line of sight, your view --by adapting new, relatively simple, less expensive technology
Not to forget the HydroCoil Turbine: --being carbon-neutral, non-polluting, clean --being quiet --using new, relatively simple, less expensive technology |
Stainless steel, exit end; pressure relief side outlet ducts visible. |
How is this technology special? |
CAPTURE Kinetic Energy in Water Treatment Plant OUTPUT--LOW RIVER DAMS--Water CONDUIT/pipelines--TIDES--WAVES, to generate hydroelectric power, even in variable flow conditions.
MINIMIZES CAVITATION -- less noise, less corrosion
- lightweight materials
- varying coil angles-->
- extract /capture energy incrementally inside hydroelectric turbine
- side vents
- for early water exit from turbine during pressure backup when current flow slows
- outer containment cylinder:
- to focus energy of stream/ ocean current, not slip by without generating
- to capture linear kinetic energy of water as it sequentially decelerates from gradual to steeper coil
The inventions herein are protected under patents registered USPTO #6,357,997 and 6,626,638; and patents registered or pending abroad. |
< [website revised May 2007. More in progress. ] > |
ECO-friendly "FISH LADDER" Pump--go to www.fluidmotive.com |
Website content copyright 2007 by HydroCoil Power, Inc. All rights reserved. |
| HydroCoil Power, Inc. and Fluidmotive, Inc. share the same logo with the rotating coil around the central arrow that represents water and energy. |