The HYDROCOIL [tm] TURBINE--with Ribbon Drive technology provides:
LOW HEAD HYDRO-ELECTRICITY from RENEWABLE energy--clean, eco-friendly, non-polluting water.
Adapting EXISTING ASSETS--non-electrified dams--for our HydroCoil Turbine.

--most electricity now generated using fossil fuels
--over 70% of industrial CO2 pollution comes from
generating electricity with fossil fuels
--CO2 is a major contributor to global warming
--hydro is less than 10% of nation's power now
--deep dependency on foreign oil & gas
--until now, generating low head hydro has been impractical--due to cost, complexity, and often deep draft water needed

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--provide up to 10,000 megawatts in northeast region alone
--improve air quality
--decrease foreign fuel dependency
--decrease global warming
--by tapping unused assets [existing dams not electrified]
--by being carbon-neutral, non-polluting, clean
--by being quiet
--by not spoiling your line of sight, your view
--by adapting new, relatively simple, less expensive technology

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Not to forget the HydroCoil Turbine:
--being carbon-neutral, non-polluting, clean
--being quiet
--using new, relatively simple, less expensive technology
Stainless steel, exit end; pressure relief side outlet ducts visible.
How is this technology special?

CAPTURE  Kinetic Energy in Water Treatment Plant OUTPUT--LOW RIVER DAMS--Water CONDUIT/pipelines--TIDES--WAVES, to generate hydroelectric power, even in variable flow conditions.

MINIMIZES CAVITATION -- less noise, less corrosion


  • lightweight materials  
  • varying coil angles-->
    • extract /capture energy incrementally inside hydroelectric turbine
  • side vents
    • for early water exit from turbine during pressure backup  when current flow slows
  • outer containment cylinder:
    • to focus energy of stream/ ocean current, not slip by without generating
    • to capture linear kinetic energy of water as it sequentially decelerates from gradual to steeper coil
The inventions herein are protected under patents registered USPTO #6,357,997 and 6,626,638;  and patents registered or pending abroad.
< [website revised May 2007. More in progress. ] >
ECO-friendly "FISH LADDER" Pump--go to
Website content copyright 2007 by HydroCoil Power, Inc. All rights reserved.

HydroCoil Power, Inc. and Fluidmotive, Inc. share the same logo with the rotating coil around the central arrow that represents water and energy.